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Direktlänk till inlägg 10 december 2012

The tragedy of my life

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 10 december 2012 12:09

As probably most of you know I have been helping Javier with his sales company Iberian Horse Service S.L via Horsespre quite a few years now. Javier has now got himself a new business partner, a male one, and even though I am still collaborating I am now self-employed. Yeguada VIKINGA PRE now belongs to me and the horses has been split up, which is the reason we are selling Halagador. This has not been my choice, as Javier left me he now wants to build up his own stud with his daughter and I had had no choice in the matter. Sometimes life is like that. My parents has bred and kept 3 of our Vikinga PRE horses for 4 years. Horses that we later sold and Javier and I shared the profit. My parents were happy to help and I am very greatful to them for their help. I have happily trained the horses we have had together through Vikinga PRE but it has also been hard work as I have fibromyalgia. Now I am passing through a period of feeling abandoned and unappreciated, personally and professionally there is a big hole as Javier and I have shared everything and done everything together. To feel alone is hard but I have my family helping me, again. I share this with you because I know that sometimes it is comforting to know you are not the only one going through rough times.
This is life and I repeat to myself; Without the contrast of the darkness the light cannot exist. All will be well and everything that happens is for the best.

Me and the light of my life; Donoso VII

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10 december 2012 13:08

Oj oj. Vilka hästar har du kvar...? Kommer du att fortsätta förmedla ändå? Jag säger bara 2012 - rensar stenhårt. Jag vet, även om jag anar att det finns flera lager under detta, att din framtid är ljus där framme. Önskar att livet inte gick så hårt fram med dig, du med dig. What else is possible? How does it get any better than this? Kram, Eva-Lisa

L Viktoria M Sandberg

15 december 2012 16:14

Tack, kram tillbaks E-L

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Lisa Cassiano

11 december 2012 08:41

Det låter verkligen som att du går igenom en hård prövning just nu! Men jag tror verkligen att det är så som du säger, vi går igenom dessa tider i våra liv för att lära och komma ut ännu starkare på andra sidan. De må vara en klen tröst när man är mitt i mörkret, men någonstans vänder även den svartaste natt till ljus morgon. Tack för att du delar detta med oss! Och glöm inte att vi finns här, följer ditt arbete, din blogg, dig och dina underbara hästar! Kram, Lisa.

L Viktoria M Sandberg

11 december 2012 12:27

Tack snälla Lisa.

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11 december 2012 10:09

Åh Viktoria! Det där var inte alls roligt att höra. Skönt att Du har Din familj! Hoppas att Du har möjlighet att behålla Donoso och flickorna. Men men.... livet går ju upp och ned. Nu kan det väl bara gå uppåt igen! Kramar. C

L Viktoria M Sandberg

11 december 2012 12:31

Upp och ner som sagt, trixet är att hitta flyt medströms i alla lägen... Kram tillbaks.



12 december 2012 16:10

Fy, så tråkigt Viktoria. Du har haft nog nu! Jag önskar dig allt gott och att kroppen håller ihop så hjärnan kan fokusera på detaljerna. Önskar att jag kunde göra någonting för dig. Det är bra att din familj finns med och stöttar.

L Viktoria M Sandberg

12 december 2012 16:34

Tack snälla Nina

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13 december 2012 08:57

Viktoria, ya sabes, ánimo y aquí nos tienes para ayudarte en lo que se pueda. Un abrazo!

L Viktoria M Sandberg

14 december 2012 00:41

Otro para tí Eva!

    Kom ihåg mig



Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 21 augusti 2022 17:19

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Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 4 december 2020 17:33

In the middle of the winter here, today we woke up to a snowing world! Coziness is on, fire is on 24 hours and christmas decorations are up.               Life goes on riding my boys daily, Tico is so much fun now, we are playing with all th...

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So time flies when you are having fun lol. I have never been so much time on my own. Riding my boys daily and working my business and watching series on Netflix. Did you see My Octopus Teacher? See it, its on Netflix really beautiful documentary. We ...

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 11 oktober 2020 21:14

Had a lovely sunny weekend with lovely friends and we enjoyed Spain at its best, sunny warm weather with delicious food, special vermouths and hanging out in garden and with horses. My farm is so pretty now with the leaves turning and the ground is s...

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 19 september 2020 16:49

So the rain has been pouring down and we feel refreshed and rugs are on. I love the seasons even though the summer is my favourite, but the darker colder days are also lovely as you can be cosy with candles and the fireplace.  Hidalgo has passed 5*...


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