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Direktlänk till inlägg 10 mars 2012

I WILL rise again

Av L Viktoria M Sandberg - 10 mars 2012 20:39

Is what I had to tell myself today when I woke up. I was almost almost convinced I was not going to make it. But I did it step by step, made it down the stairs, out and into car and hooked up trailer. After some and fixi fixi with Donoso he walks straight into trailer all by himself, totally up for a new adventure. 

So off we went to for second Igancio Rambla clinic, last one year ago, 15 min up the road. It is a wonderful spring day, I am travelling with the horse of a lifetime to go and get the best advice I can possibly get. This is a great day that should put a big smile on my face. But instead my tears are falling because I am in absolute agony fibromyalgia pain. But I did the clinic, I was told I my horse is awesome and that I ride with category. Bless Ignacio, I think I managed to give him one smile, I was just so aware that my body was not helping me. It is not so much that the body hurts when I ride and because and I have ridden constantly since I was born it knows what to do almost on instinct. But its real hard to make corrections when your body is weak in parts and other parts have to compensate for that weakness. And bless my intelligent horse that walks with me like my bodyguard, stands still so I can make his braid with my fumbly fingers, bows his head so I can put his bridle on without having to raise my hurting arms, stands absolutely still and quiet in hot trailer, without hay, waiting for his mum to come and get him and take him home so he can have lunch and get his well earned sunshower. It is quite overwhelming, he is so supportive and he is just a horse.. 
The last thing Ignacio said was 'He's a good person'. He may not have that special feeling for people but he sees a horse for what it is. I just know that I am going to foucus on health because riding is absolutely essential for my living, and I want to live to enjoy these beautiful horses I now have. 

So I went home to rest because today a swedish client has arrived and tomorrow I am going to helping her to find the horse of her dreams. 

Here's some of Javier's pictures.

Ignacio, me and the horse of my life today and always




10 mars 2012 23:40

Så vackert skrivet. Hoppas du får må bättre snart. Du har verkligen en vacker och klok häst.

L Viktoria M Sandberg

11 mars 2012 00:55

Tack rara Nina!

Ingen bild

Ingela R

11 mars 2012 07:36

Det är svårt att inte lämna kommentarer varje gång du lägger in bilder på dina fantastiska hästar. Jag blir varm i hjärtat varje gång. Donoso ser verkligen ut att vara din riddare. Den vackra vyn på de första bilderna, du och din magnifika häst i förgrunden, är drömmar som de flesta av oss aldrig kommer i närheten av. Sen finns det tyvärr alltid en baksida på myntet.
Du glädjer i alla fall många andra med din blogg. Även när du delar med dig av svårigheterna. Det gör att man får lite mer kämpar glöd själv. Kan du, så ska jag också klara det idag.

Ingen bild


11 mars 2012 13:44

Mmm. Han är väl en underbar kompis, Donoso. Precis vad Du behöver. Han ställer upp på Dig i alla väder! Kämpa på, Du mår snart bättre igen!

Ingen bild


12 mars 2012 11:04

Made it to "he's a good person". Han är så vacker din häst att han tar andan ur mig varje gång jag ser honom på bild! Vad det gäller hans underbara personlighet så kan man ju bara hoppas att alla som delar kärleken till hästen någon gång får uppleva 'det' med sin häst. Hoppas idag blir en fantastisk dag! Mvh, Mona

Ingen bild


12 mars 2012 21:55

Stackare!lyckliga dig som har en sådan toppenhäst.Jag undrar vad det är för ridstövlar du har ? de ser så goa ut.Tack och krya på dig.

    Kom ihåg mig



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